Welcome to Easterton Village Hall 100 Club
A great way for you to support us whilst having a bit of fun! Here’s how it works…
Complete and sign the attached membership form and set up a standing order mandate with your bank for £3 a month (or £36 annually). Personal data will only be used by the Club – details of data protection and security can be found on the Village Hall 100 Club website
This buys you one membership number (which we will allocate), which enters you into the monthly draw. You will be given a membership ticket with your information on it. All participants must be over 16.
The draw will take place on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
If you win, you will be informed by email and receive your prize money by BACS transfer. The name of the winners will be published in the Easterton Echoes, at the Easterton Village Hall and on the EVH website.
The first prize will be 12% of the membership fee taken that month and the 2nd prize 6%. The prizes for December will be higher with a bonus 1st prize of 24%, 2nd prize of 12% of the monthly income. The remaining funds will go towards the replacement of the septic tank and thereafter for essential maintenance of the village hall.
Any queries, please contact Helen Hardman
email 100club@eastertonvh.org
3 Oak Lane, Easterton
or on 07584 060644
Welcome Pack
Click to download. Last update 19 February 2025
Data Protection Policy
Click to download. Last update 19 February 2025