Easterton Village Hall
Price list for Easterton Village Hall
Jump to: Main Hall, Garden Room, Whole Venue, Equipment Hire
Fees, discounts & deposits
Automatically applied fees/discounts & deposits for booking requests. Please note that these amounts are applied automatically by the system based on the information you provide and are subject to change. If this is the case, you will be notified by a member of our admin team.
Name | Value | Refundable | Conditions |
Refundable s... Refundable security deposit | £50.00 |
Main Hall
Booking group equals Parish function
Booking group equals Easterton residents Booking group equals Non residents & local government Booking group equals Commercial & youth parties (12 to 25) Booking category equals Party |
Refundable s... Refundable security deposit | £100.00 |
All facilities
Booking group equals Parish function
Booking group equals Easterton residents Booking group equals Non residents & local government Booking group equals Commercial & youth parties (12 to 25) Booking category equals Youth Party |
Main Hall
150 people
£6.00-£15.00 per hour
Garden Room
70 people
£4.00-£15.00 per hour
Whole Venue
150 people
£9.00-£25.00 per hour
Equipment Hire
150 people