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Easterton Village Hall 100 Club Rules


The purpose of the 100 Club is to raise funds. The money will be paid into the Easterton Village Hall 100 Club bank account and used to fund the replacement of the sewage system and thereafter for essential repairs and maintenance.


1.     For a cost of £3 per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one number between one and 100.

2.     A draw will be made every month with a 1st and 2nd prize.

3.     This will be apportioned as: 1st prize of 12%, and 2nd prize of 6% of the monthly income for eleven months of the year. The prizes for December will be higher with bonuses of 1st prize of 24% and 2nd prize of 12%.

4.     The 100 Club is a private lottery and is open to all members of the Easterton locality. Anyone aged 16 or over can join.

5.     Payments must be made by standing order (preferably annually). One month’s notice is required for cancellation.

6.     A Member’s number will only be entered if their subscription is up to date.

7.     A reserve list will be kept and if a member has no valid reason for missing a payment, their number may be sold to someone on the reserve list.

8.     The draw will be made on the 1st Wednesday of the month at The Easterton Community Hub under the supervision of the committee. If this is not feasible the draw will be made at a time, date and place decided by the committee. It will be held in public, and members will be invited to witness the draw.

9.     A separate bank account will be made for all subscription income and prize payments made by the 100 Club.

10.  The winning prizes will be sent by BACS transfer.

11.  The name and numbers for each month’s winners will be posted in the Easterton Echoes, at the Easterton Village Hall and on the Easterton Village Hall website. Prize winners will also be notified by email.

12.  The 100 Club will be managed by the 100 Club committee under the auspices of the Easterton Village Hall Committee. In case of any dispute the decision of the committee is final.

13.  Unless otherwise advised, a member will be deemed to have left the 100 Club if their subscription renewal remains unpaid for a period of one month. 

14.  If a winner cannot be contacted, after six months the winnings will remain in the funds.

15.  The management of the 100 Club will be by Helen Hardman, Nick Beard and Dave Houghton

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