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Data Protection and Information Security Policy

Personal data will only be collected by consent. It will only be used for the stated purpose and only retained for as long as necessary to carry out that purpose, plus one year for reference. Personal data will not be shared with any other organisation without the express permission of the individual concerned. Personal data will be held in a Microsoft Sharepoint environment as part of the village hall IT provision.

Personal Data Collected, Use and Retention

Data Collected Use Retention
Address (2)
Email Address (3)
Payment method (4)
Payment Period (5)
Bank a/c & Sort Code (6)
Membership Record (All)
Winner notification (1,2,3)
Draw results publicity (1)
Renewal notifications (1,2,3)
Payment of winnings (6)
Membership duration plus 1 year

Members will be made aware of the information when they join the Club. They will be informed of the Club’s data protection policy, the personal information held and the uses to which it will be put.

Powered by LemonBooking
Village hall booking system